Basketball Toss Back Drill : Shooting Form
Toss Back shooting drill is a simple drill, but a very effective way to focus on basketball shooting form. It’s quick, so it won’t take up much practice time, and players can focus on the fundamentals of shooting form. It adds in, as well, some practice in other areas of the game – passing and rebounding, for example.
It’s a good drill to run at the beginning of the pre-season when players are trying to get their shooting form to flow consistently; a better drill to run once the season is underway and your players have had several months of instruction and practice – at this point, they can run the drill and the coaches can wander from player to player and adjust the shooting form as necessary.
Reminders to Players
Good Basketball Shooting Form Happens When:
- The shooter drops his body weight as he is catching the pass, turning in the direction of the basket as his knees bend
- The shooter’s feet are squared to the hoop – i.e., both feet point at the basket, the lead foot (for a right-handed shooter, that would be the right foot) pointing directly at the basket, the off foot a little to the side
- The shooter raises the ball along the side of his body to the shooting position
- The ball is shot from above the head, with the shooting arm cocked at about ninety degrees, the ball held on the fingertips, the off-hand on the side of the ball to steady and protect it
- The ball is shot at the top of the jump, with the wrist snapping down to put backspin on the ball
- All of this is one fluid motion – catch, square and bend knees, bring the ball up and jump, shoot – one continuous movement
The Basketball Toss Back SHOOTING DRILL
The drill uses a tossback. If you have never used one before, it might be something for you to consider trying. Toss-backs add a different dimension to drills, save on manpower (use them instead of having a player stand in one spot for the drill simply to pass back to another player), and besides allowing players to practice shooting form, they also help focus passing – creating better accuracy in all players.
However, if you don’t have a toss-back, simply have a player stand in that position to receive the pass and pass it back.
- Two lines of shooters are set up, each line in front of a toss-back. In the diagram, they are set up on either side of the court, but the toss-backs can be set up anywhere at all.
- Each player has a ball
- On the coach’s whistle, the first player on each line passes to the toss-back in front of him, steps forward to receive the pass as it comes back to him, squares to the hoop, and takes a jump shot.
- The player follows his shot – if he misses, he rebounds and drives to put it in; if he makes the shot, he simply moves to the end of the other line.
Remember to have players focusing on their basketball shooting form, as the coaches walk about and adjust shots as they see the need. Run the drill for one or two minutes, or as long as you need.
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