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How To Heal Sprained Ankle Fast At Home

Somebody got in my way when rebounding a basketball and I sprained my left ankle, it was disappointing because the moment I felt that sharp pain I realized I wouldn’t play basketball for at least 1 week.


So I quickly limped home to apply some ice. I knew from earlier experience that you have to treat a sprained ankle with the RICE method (rest, ice, compress, elevate)heal sprained ankle fast

To minimize damage to your ankle in the first hours you must elevate it and cool it with ice or a slab of frozen meat like I did. Meat is a really good cooling aid because it constantly releases cold and doesn’t get wet as ice cubes do.

Continue to ice your ankle for at least 2 days while keeping it elevated. And of course, rest as much as you can. Don’t heat your ankle now because it will increase swelling.

So on the second day, my ankle was swollen quite a bit on the lateral side and for some reason, the top of the shoot was swollen also.

The lower part of the side foot was bruised and what’s strange was all feet and fingers were bruised also. I felt impact only on the ankle so the bruises were from damaged blood vessels inside the foot I guess.

On day 3 I started using gels that reduce inflammation and swelling and improve healing faster. Those gels contain ibuprofen, ketoprofen, and some other ingredients (to name a few: Fastum gel, Deep Relief, Lioton 1000, Voltaren). Generally, just go to your drug store and ask for gel for sprain traumas.

On day 4 I felt that the in was lowering but swathe selling remained constant so I applied an ace bandage over the ankle for like 1 hour.

And that helped reduce swelling. I continued to compress my ankle on days 5 and 6 and after 1 week my foot looked normal. Now I could tell what ligaments I sprained: anterior talofibular and calcaneofibular:

My anterior talofibular ligament remained slightly swollen and painful on contact but I decided to go for an easy shootaround on day 7. Applied some taping on the ankle to reduce lateral movement.

It went well, I was doing easy jump shots for 2 hours. In the end, my foot felt tired but after getting home I saw the foot looked normal. Our expert recommends using ankle-support basketball shoes during the active patch that helps decrease ankle injuries.

My recommended treatment regimen for a sprained ankle:

  • Day 1 – Ice, rest, elevate
  • Day2 – Ice, rest, elevate
  • Day 3 – Compress, use gel, eland event (don’t compress overnight because you can block the blood supply to your feet)
  • Day 4 – Compress, use gel, elevate
  • Day 5 – Compress, use gel
  • Day 6 and so on – continue to use gel depending on your condition, and start the hab process (walking, balancing on foot, gradually building your ankle strength to the normal level)ways heal sprained ankle fast

Food for faster healing of sprained ankle?

Like building muscles eating is very important for healing, you must supply enough high-quality food for a faster recovery process.

I used multivitamins Optimen, omega 3 salmon oil, protein shakes from On Gold 100%, and amino Xtend. I believe that good nutrition and plenty of rest contributed the most to my quite fast ankle sprain recovery.

We recommend always wearing a basketball ankle brace during the game. It looks worse than it is. On day 8 after injury, I even played in a basketball game for some defense minutes to help the team a bit. A bit risky but it felt good.

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